Thursday, March 20, 2008

With or Of?

Do you attend a church with ministries and groups, or of ministries and groups?

A church of ministries is comprised of several groups of individual ministries that meet in, or do work for a building called ‘a church’.

A church of ministries tends to lock people into pockets, resulting in slower evolution for the overall church, and walls that edify between each ministry…like little kingdoms.

However, a church with ministries is comprised of individuals who identify with being a unified, singular, church first, and that views their ministries, secondarily, as choices of movement towards a closer relationship with God.

In a church with groups and ministries, the ministries are pathways to spiritual growth – not destinations of servitude. Deciding to be a church with ministries allows people opportunities to develop relationships in ministries, but does not limit the possibilities of developing relationships to ‘joining a ministry’. Translation: If you are in a church with, ministry work is not the only place to meet people, and connect with one another.

What about relationships?

Do you attend a church with relationships or of relationships?

Relationships matter. After deciding to be a church with ministries and groups, ask the question: Are we a church with relationships or of relationships? People have the responsibility to develop their own relationships. But church leadership has the responsibility to create spaces for that to happen. A church of relationships provides a relational component in every venue; whether it’s a volunteer team serving the community, a group meeting to get to know one another, or whether it’s friends who sit together at services, relationships matter.

Get involved. Challenge your church leadership to create the culture. Be a church with groups, and of relationships.

Check out Kathy Guy at Granger Community Church for more on this subject and 'Getting a Grip on Groups'.

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