Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hip Punishment

I gave out one of those so-called hip punishments last night. My son was disrespectful with me so I banned him from his farmville farm for 3 days.

As he protested, I took away entire access to facebook, any use of any computer, and his i-pod touch as well. Each thing I pulled the plug on hit him like a blow in the gut. By the time I was finished, he was putty, frail, fetal, on the floor. It didn't have to be that bad. Why did he keep persisting, I wondered. So, I asked,

"Why didn't you stop your disrespectful tone after farmville got pulled?"

"I did!" he screamed as he slammed a door in my face.

"Okay, I guess TV goes too!" I said.

So much for THAT.

1 comment:

Terese said...

my son just told me my punishment wasn't in fact, hip, but, old fashioned. It would have been hip if I were to - say - delete all his weapons in a ninja game.