Monday, March 12, 2012

The Truth About Self Help

Here's the truth about self help. It's a lie. The way to become the most satisfied down to the core of your being, heart and sole is this: Love God With All Your Heart, and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself. This is written into our humanity, it is etched on our hearts. If we deny doing these two things, we will NEVER be fully satisfied. People who think their power is from themselves will always need more and more self help because their hearts yearn for something bigger. People who train themselves on loving God the most, (not loving themselves the most), and loving others (not just friends - --ALL others, that's what neighbors are): those are people who are the most satisfied in life. It is just a truth. Sorry, Tony, and all psychologists, and self help, self mastery, self, self, self, people. I know your (idol) money depends on perpetuating the myth that we need to become more and most, better and best at being self centered; but this is the truth of humanity: when we love God and our neighbors FIRST, then we will love ourselves and be content beyond measure. We won't merely become happy. We will become whole.

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