Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Purging Sin Cleansing Life

I don't know of any creative way to say this. I read Exodus to Joshua as an allegory to a journey of faith...a process of subduing the chaotic lifestyle that being sin-driven creates (Exodus); channeling all your energy into loving God according to His terms (Leviticus and Deuteronomy), and then purging your body and life of your personal sin by identifying sin triggers then attacking your sin with God's help (Joshua). Unbelievable how many personal revelations, gifts, and liberations have come to me upon this reading of the OT.

It's like this: as I read it, my personal Egypt was made very clear to me (my childhood). My desert has been crystallized (from about High School to my first child), and now I feel like I have sat at the edge of my Jordan and crossed (first child to now). The passage from Lv about not doing what they did in Egypt, and not doing what they do in Canaan feels like a current state of affairs for me. Many relationships and habits I have let go of in my heart - and am glad for it. Many that continue but I can tell I have changed and am not repeating the past. Many new relationships I am tempted to 'fit in' and then realize it may be at the expense of my devotion to Jesus and the sovereignty of God, that I back peddle and hit the reset button. Also, I have been really attacking/pursuing my sin behavior this year just like Joshua attacking all the cities. I have felt like a complete warrior with God's help - through the process of fasting, reading, prayer and worship.

It's super hard to explain.

Has anybody out there felt like this in reading Dt, Lv or Jsh???

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