Sunday, September 26, 2010

If You Are A Married Christian, You MUST Read This

If you are a married Christian (man or woman) you must read the book by John Piper, This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence. "Why?" You may ask. Here's why. Nowhere is there a better direct extrapolation of what a marriage is between a man and woman than in this book. It will blow you away with the truth and show you the hope.

Have you ever heard anyone say, "Oh, I left him because he was our spiritual leader, he lead us in prayer every night, read devotions with the kids, encouraged me to go to Women's ministry, was in a men's Bible Study, provided for us, and made us feel safe in tough times." ? No. I doubt it.

Have you ever heard anyone say, "Oh, I had to leave her because she was such a great support and resource for advice with out being overbearing, because she knew what I needed before I even could say it, because she was too passionate, always laughed, managed our money, and made me feel really significant."? No, I really doubt it.

Look guys, do you know how much sex you would have with your wife if she caught you initiating a devotion with your kids? Praying with HER? Asking her about her prayer life? Asking her to read the Bible to you? Telling her you want to protect her? Oy Vey! It is so easy! Leadership is not being bossy - it's being humble and being, well, the guide.

Married Christians owe it to themselves and their spouses to read the Bible (first and foremost) and then read this book for John Piper's dissertation on the parallel between marriage of a man and woman; and marriage of Christ and His church. With laser precision he looks at marriage the way God designed it, and it turns's a really loving, respectful, undyingly passionate, deep and permanent relationship.

After I read it, I felt like, "Gosh, why don't more people 'get it'?" How could there be so many divorces or unhappy, unfulfilled people if they are following God's plan? The answer must be that we are NOT following God's plan, but some other world plan. The plan that brainwashes us with what society thinks of marriage collectively. Well, guess what I have found out? Most of society (especially Christians) don't actually read the Bible directly, and therefore believe what they hear...allow outside programming to determine what we think marriage ought to be and what it really is.

So look: if you want a lot of sex, want a lot of appreciation, want a lot of respect, want a lot of leadership (spiritual, emotional), want a lot of tools to take care of you, want a lot done for you...then read this book, and the Bible - side by side.

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