Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Awesome is Good!

Why do some of us Christians protect the word, "awesome" so much? I hear pastors making a big deal out of the fact that they don't use 'awesome' because, they say, "only Jesus is AWESOME". Then, of course there was that church lady, D.K., who chased me around the office one day Bible in hand and finger in Bible, telling me I was abusing the name of the Father by saying something was awesome.

Anyway because it's in the Bible - third party- that God is awesome and that Jesus is awesome we Christian's should respect that, and only use the term when referring to God or Jesus...not things of this earth. And actually, I kind of dig this kind of reverent respect, and try to honor it. And weirdly enough, I respect the part of D.K. that felt the need to stand up for God in a perceived threat situation.

But what about the word 'good'? I notice Christians who protect the word 'awesome' have no problem using the word 'good' when Jesus himself flat out says, "Why do you call me good? Only the Father in heaven is good."

So, what's up? We use good ALL the time. No worries. Isn't this kind of inconsistent practice?

Oh well, yes, I AM talking about us Christians, after all.



Candice said...

I have actually never heard of any of this! We also use words like infinite, powerful, love/loving, merciful, gracious, etc...all of these things God is the MOST of (the MOST powerful, MOST loving, MOST merciful, etc.) because He is perfection. Speaking of which, we also use "perfect" sometimes to describe things that aren't God. We are a reflection of Him and our "good" creations reflect His perfect, I'm not sure. My immediate thought is that it doesn't matter what words (awesome included) we use, as long as we have a heart that is faithful in remembering God as the most high.....??

Terese said...

I agree with you - it's all about your heart, which Jesus knows inside and out. But there is indeed a whole order of folks who strive to honor God's name by only using words that are pointed out biblically as attributed to God. The words biblically - as in the Bible says these are how to describe God - are, Awesome and Good. Certain denominations covet the word Awesome - and look down on others who use it for earthly references. They never notice that they are coveting a word rather than their God. :-) This is why the church needs believers/followers - so Christ can be exaulted not the rules and the words.... Have an AWESOME Christmas!