Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's Okay to Say It...Even in Public!!!

It's ok to talk about trusting God in schools and public places in the US because it's our national motto, "In God We Trust".

It was first used in 1864, and later signed into law as our national motto in 1956. This is an issue that Andy Stanley has been beating a drum about for over a year now. We, as a country, Christian's and Non, need to acknowledge the Christian principals that are our foundation in government.

Embarrassing to Obama who thought our national motto was, "From Many One". It's ok, we are a forgiving bunch. After all, he's only our president, who, incidentally, specialized in Constitutional Law. How could he possibly know that the authors of the constitution built our country's principals on trusting in our God? Read the full article.

1 comment:

Erlon Andrade said...

Happy new year!